Why Dental Professionals Should Care About Their Ribcage

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Primary Blog/Movement Tips/Why Dental Professionals Should Care About Their Ribcage

Why Your Ribcage Is So Important 

It's a Major Cause of Neck and Shoulder Pain

By now we know the ribcage has a major purpose in protecting our lungs from harm, but thats not its only function. 

You see, for many of us, our ribcage position will determine how well our entire body moves. 
You may have heard of an anterior tilted pelvis. Think about someone you know that stands up and looks like their butt is sticking out, lumbar is overarched, or their ribs look like they are flaring out to the front. 

This is a common pattern we see in our dental professionals that have low back pain. And the reason this is happening is not talked about often enough. 

Our diaphragms attachment to the spine is far bigger on the Right than the left, this naturally allows our bodies to generate power/walk through rotation of our spine. However, our bodies are also really good at conserving energy, so sometimes its easier to subconsciously find a way to walk and move without twisting.

Certain individuals will instead arch their back to propel themselves forward, leading to this arched position in their back and flaring of their ribcage to the front. This in turn alters scapular position, neck position, TMJ Position, and puts a heck of a lot of force through our entire muscular system.

This leads to a heck of a lot of aches and pain. We have to then fix this movement puzzle before our aches and pains fully relieve in the long run. 

If this sounds like you, lets get you set up for a free assessment to get you on the right track to being pain free again!

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